I wrote this article because many do not remember the events that tore us apart so many years ago; the Great Division that became more commonly known as “Good and Evil.“ I believe that it is important to understand that both light and darkness are born from the same source. Just as the moon has two halves, so the moon is also whole. It is only through our individual perception that we conceive possible differences. These small misunderstandings have caused worlds of conflict and unnecessary alienation. As we speed into the coming era, I believe we have another chance at mending the pains of our past and learning how to finally set aside our differences. Many may think this task is impossible but impossibility is merely a state of mind. A chance to understand others is always worth the time.
In this modern age of mental terrorism and psychic tyranny, the element of life itself has been suppressed by an unseen accumulation of unconscious fears. In the wake of this terrible confusion, thousands have become spiritually catatonic, wandering aimlessly like drones lost in this twisted machine of conformity. It begins at birth with enculturation, one generation (sometimes unknowingly) passes their beliefs to the next and continues to promote the progression of old-world ideology. Some call it tradition. I call it manipulation. These beliefs were shaped by the most baleful of all manifestations; fear. In an attempt to conceal the chronicles of prehistory, modern authorities (who answer only to their own fears) prey on the intense emotions of our traumatic past as a prelude to their never-ending era of self-denial and delusion. Each time we speak these lies to the generation that follows, we spread this mechanism of fear and feed the machine of conformity, in a subconscious hope that they will become the perfect beings. I hate to shatter the illusion but nothing is, was nor shall be perfect.
It has been thousands of years since our old alliance collapsed for reasons that we may never know. Many point their fingers in bitter accusation, quick to judge each other for the unfortunate circumstances that followed this unforeseen deterioration. However, I do not believe that this scar can be healed by picking the wounds and nor do I think that it holds significant relevance to the world in which we live presently. “Who cast the first stone,” if any were cast to begin with, should not be as important as “How can we mend this ongoing battle?” Was not our original purpose to ensure the survival of this world and all of its life forms? Why should we let something so trivial as our differences stand in the way? Instead of rationale, we compete for authority as to avoid an unexpected repeat of history, out of sheer fear. We have become intolerant and closed-minded to each other, denouncing our sacred traditions has vile and corruptive. Some of us have endured the complete demonization of our culture and are cast out of modern civilization for our unique differences. Sometimes we are even attacked for expressing ourselves in the most honest means that we can. I believe that, together, we can overcome these differences. We cannot transcend our past unless we confront it and the time has come to do so.
Furthermore, there exists forces beyond this world whose intentions are to exterminate all forms of life. Yet we sit here quarreling with each other about who should govern, what rules we should follow and how we should think. I can assure you, any battle that may occur in our near or distant future cannot be won while this conflict rages on. It is one of the most basic principles of warfare; divide and conquer. This clandestine war that has continued well into our modern age demonstrates our disunity. Yet, we both stand for the same things. Do we not both stand against intolerance and meaningless hate? Do we not both wish to address injustice and put to rest these ethnocentric agendas? Do we not both wish to liberate ourselves from mindless dogma and promote the utmost freedom of individuality? We both know that there are no greater tyrants than those who would oppress the beliefs of others’ and replace them with their own.
I propose that we resurrect our old alliance and come together once again; light and darkness without hate or indifference. A reunification of alignment and species, in one united effort to (once again) ensure the survival of life as we know it. I do not have all the answers and I do not propose this as a fail-proof solution to the many problems that we will face in the future. I present this as an honest suggestion that I (and others like me) are willing to work with individuals outside of our own alignment to establish peace in our age. Every civilization grows tired of war and we have all seen enough to last us well into ages to come. Please, tell me what you think.
In this modern age of mental terrorism and psychic tyranny, the element of life itself has been suppressed by an unseen accumulation of unconscious fears. In the wake of this terrible confusion, thousands have become spiritually catatonic, wandering aimlessly like drones lost in this twisted machine of conformity. It begins at birth with enculturation, one generation (sometimes unknowingly) passes their beliefs to the next and continues to promote the progression of old-world ideology. Some call it tradition. I call it manipulation. These beliefs were shaped by the most baleful of all manifestations; fear. In an attempt to conceal the chronicles of prehistory, modern authorities (who answer only to their own fears) prey on the intense emotions of our traumatic past as a prelude to their never-ending era of self-denial and delusion. Each time we speak these lies to the generation that follows, we spread this mechanism of fear and feed the machine of conformity, in a subconscious hope that they will become the perfect beings. I hate to shatter the illusion but nothing is, was nor shall be perfect.
It has been thousands of years since our old alliance collapsed for reasons that we may never know. Many point their fingers in bitter accusation, quick to judge each other for the unfortunate circumstances that followed this unforeseen deterioration. However, I do not believe that this scar can be healed by picking the wounds and nor do I think that it holds significant relevance to the world in which we live presently. “Who cast the first stone,” if any were cast to begin with, should not be as important as “How can we mend this ongoing battle?” Was not our original purpose to ensure the survival of this world and all of its life forms? Why should we let something so trivial as our differences stand in the way? Instead of rationale, we compete for authority as to avoid an unexpected repeat of history, out of sheer fear. We have become intolerant and closed-minded to each other, denouncing our sacred traditions has vile and corruptive. Some of us have endured the complete demonization of our culture and are cast out of modern civilization for our unique differences. Sometimes we are even attacked for expressing ourselves in the most honest means that we can. I believe that, together, we can overcome these differences. We cannot transcend our past unless we confront it and the time has come to do so.
Furthermore, there exists forces beyond this world whose intentions are to exterminate all forms of life. Yet we sit here quarreling with each other about who should govern, what rules we should follow and how we should think. I can assure you, any battle that may occur in our near or distant future cannot be won while this conflict rages on. It is one of the most basic principles of warfare; divide and conquer. This clandestine war that has continued well into our modern age demonstrates our disunity. Yet, we both stand for the same things. Do we not both stand against intolerance and meaningless hate? Do we not both wish to address injustice and put to rest these ethnocentric agendas? Do we not both wish to liberate ourselves from mindless dogma and promote the utmost freedom of individuality? We both know that there are no greater tyrants than those who would oppress the beliefs of others’ and replace them with their own.
I propose that we resurrect our old alliance and come together once again; light and darkness without hate or indifference. A reunification of alignment and species, in one united effort to (once again) ensure the survival of life as we know it. I do not have all the answers and I do not propose this as a fail-proof solution to the many problems that we will face in the future. I present this as an honest suggestion that I (and others like me) are willing to work with individuals outside of our own alignment to establish peace in our age. Every civilization grows tired of war and we have all seen enough to last us well into ages to come. Please, tell me what you think.