Tuesday, February 12, 2008

History and Culture


Unlike early human scavengers, it is highly speculated that we evolved from the natural predators of our home world. Our hunting skills were so advanced that our food-supply was facing extinction due to our growing population. Because of this, similar to humans, we learned how to cultivate food. We became aware, in these early stages of development, that our environment was fragile. Our enlightenment was not spiritual, it was ecological. The ages that would follow bore many naturalists who promoted a new lifestyle, one that would allow us to become one with our natural surroundings. Our desire to understand the natural world brought forth an era of discovery. From environmentalism was born genetics and we began mapping the blueprints of life. In turn, naturalist organizations were established to safeguard our ecosystem. Due to our independent nature, the concept of governmental control was never formulated. Our matriarchs made their transition from tribal leaders to Earth Mothers and it became their responsibility to ensure that nature remained untainted. We soon made contact with an alien species who visited our world during the known height of our civilization. We tolerated their presence and allowed them to established trade with us. Throughout the years, our interactions increased drastically and we eventually entered an alliance with them. It was also brought to our attention that this off-world species felt our knowledge in ecology could assist them in salvaging their failing ecosystem and requested our presence aboard a galactic expedition. Seeing this as an opportunity to examine the natural habitats of distant worlds, many of us left our homes. Most of us had no idea that we would never return. The Great Divide would leave us stranded on various planets, including Earth.


We were born in a matriarchal society, meaning that our mothers were the undisputed source of authority and wisdom. Our fathers were polygamous but often supportive of all their heirs. We were born free and there were no laws, other than what nature dictated. It was through nature that we found honor. Because of this, we came to aggressively support freedom, equality and tolerance. From our perspective, to stand against these natural rights was to stand against life itself. Any opposing claims and/or conflicts of interest were settled through combat (natural selection). The ritual of combat itself was observed by everyone (male and female) regardless of condition, age and/or purpose. However, combat did not always result in death. While we agreed that nature embodied both benevolent and destruction qualities, we had the utmost respect for living things and their desire to survive. In this, we had developed a primitive form of compassion. Our lives were often marked with personal honors and achievements in contributing to the longevity of our species and its ecosystem. However, we never directly compared the worth of any two individuals. Forms of indirect worth were often determined during our courtship rituals, since the female was the one to initiate the relations, not the male. Unlike humans, we have no sense of gender or sexual orientation. Intimacy was often shared between members of the same sex. Intercourse could be viewed as both personal and impersonal, being the sole means of reproduction. Regardless of the circumstances, the primary focus of such interactions was pleasure.

Please contact me for more information.

The Great Divide

I do not remember my home world other than through the faint memories that my ancestors have shared with me. To be honest, I don’t remember much of anything before the alliance that preceded what we call the Great Divide. Some of us remember that day when the Emperor of the Stars courted our matriarch in an attempt to establish an alliance through marriage. Their first child became our undisputed sovereign, who answered only to the Emperor himself. However, he was not alone in his command. His step-brother, commander of the imperial forces, was certainly not content in sharing power but we, being bound to honor our traditions, had no choice but to accept the circumstances. It was this bond that pledged us to interplanetary expeditions at the expense of our new alliance.

Earth was one of the many planets destined for exploration. Many had studied its past and predicted that it would have life but (more importantly) also the resources that the alliance was desperately looking for. It was an imbalanced mass that had suffered cataclysmic damages some five billion years ago but had somehow synchronized its new orbit around Sol; the conditions became ideal for growth. It was almost one-half million years ago that we first arrived on the planet in search of resources. Things sometimes appear easier from the external perspective. We were not accustomed to this environment and the work-load became quite rigorous. Our moral was battered with the amount of effort this task demanded and we began looking for alternative means of assistance. We employed local life-forms to work our mines but soon the shafts were filled with odors and foul stench. Many began to feel that this mission was impossible and defected. There were several skirmished between rebels and loyalists, that was until they sent the Crown Prince to takeover operations on Earth.

Many rebellions were crushed and lives were lost. The remaining outcasts decided to move underground and hide from punishment. Our own sovereign’s power was usurped and the planet fell under the control of his half-brother. However, it was not the end of the uprisings. The spirit of my people can never be suppressed. Following the creation of superior humans, a whole new dynamic was brought to the world. When permitted to breed openly, this species became one of the fastest growing races on the planet. Some were displeased with this but found the process necessary. Years would pass (and the tension would grow) as these two born commanders, sons of the Emperor, contended for control of this new species. It resulted in open warfare of the most horrific kind.

Humans would observe this epic conflict as a religious war between all-powerful deities. It would told for generations to come, throughout the ages, as the battle between Good and Evil. In their eyes, this conflict was divine. They were caught in the middle of our collapsing alliance; a war that would literally shake the Earth. However, they would not know the truth for ages to come. The Crown Prince would become God and our sovereign, his eternal rival, the Devil. The imperial forces would become angels and my kind would soon be called demons. From the eyes of mankind, the battle raged in the heavens above, space, as the fallen came crashing to Earth. Cities would turn to ash with the deployment of super-weapons; the wrath of an angry god. The conflict would spread elsewhere, many of us assumed, but that was an adventure I would never see. I was left here, on this planet, along with many others following an unexpected, mass-evacuation. To this day, it remains unexplained.

The humans were bitter and aggressive from our epic battles. Some hunted us in revenge and others idolized us as deities. However, regardless of our divine rank, we had to face the inevitable problem: We were aging and there was no way to prevent physical death. Much of our technology was destroyed and we were forced to work with whatever tools we had left. Genetic engineering was the first step to establishing our new means of longevity. It involved a lengthy process that would allow us to transmigrate from our own bodies and reincarnate into those of our engineered humans. We did what we had to in order to ensure our survival. In return, humans advanced, birthing a new era of science and agriculture. In time, they would use all that they had learned to build their first civilizations.

There was no conspiracy or secret plan to take control of the human race. We honestly were not thinking that far into the future. Over time, thousands of years, we evolved along with everyone else. Yet, there still remains the lasting imprint of the Great Divide; the vague retelling of epic disasters that took place many thousands of years ago. Many of us were fighting for our freedom. Many were fighting against the oppression and slavery that had bound our kind to the will of others. I won’t ask you to understand why our war was necessary. I simply hope that someday we can put aside our past and help build tomorrow for everyone.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Understanding Starseeds and Reptilians

Recently, I have been confronted with many questions as to my kind and what our purpose is here on Earth. So, perhaps we can begin with the basics: What is a Starseed? The word itself is an ambiguous term for a variety of different extraterrestrial life forms (including Reptilians) that have reincarnated as humans on this planet. They are commonly mistaken as one species but many rarely share similar attributes. They are often misconceived as having a universal mission to help the human race enlighten themselves, which is not always true. Though there may be many Starseeds who genuinely desire to assist mankind in their survival, some are disinterested and indifferent to humans in general. The reasons for these views revolve around their origins, culture, beliefs and experience on this planet.

Similar to the classification problems we find with Indigo Children, it is nearly impossible to make definitive statements concerning Starseeds; you will find that they are full of surprises. They can embody anything from an affectionate teacher to an ultimately destructive tyrant, depending on their views and experiences. In this aspect, it is most fortunate that many Starseeds choose to remain passive in observing their environment from a neutral perspective. They may lend a hand when they find it necessary, or throw a wrench in a system that they feel is counterproductive, but generally they keep to themselves. Even if they disagree with the current state of this planet, they usually exercise respect and unbiased decision-making.

There have been many questions concerning their means of transmigration (moving from one body to another). Similar to how one may unconsciously collapse subatomic particles in order to travel along the non-linear fourth dimension that most call “time,” Starseeds navigate through fifth dimensional possibilities in order to determine when and where they will reincarnate. Unfortunately, once they are confined to their corporeal incarnation, they are unable to travel beyond the Fourth. Because of this, some falsely suggest that Starseeds (and particularly Reptilians) are anti-spiritual. In truth, their evolved perspective leaves them with an acute understanding of spatial mechanics but ultimately an impractical outlook on reality. Some Starseeds have difficulty accepting their circumstances and may look for ways out (like suicide). They may also turn to mind-altering drugs to simulate certain states of consciousness; unfortunate truths.

It is speculated that that some Starseeds may also choose their destination through generational color and that (as demonstrated in the modern world) many Starseeds have chosen to incarnate during the Indigo array. Through this incarnation, they themselves become Indigo Children. While this combination is ideal for their existence, it become a potent but dangerous mixture, since they assume the qualities of both groups. I think that, for this very reason, it has become increasingly important to help promote understanding within the Indigo movement itself. We are all aware of the unlimited potential found in this generation and its members and there is no reason why we should not work together (please view my first post).

Because Starseeds can easily conceal their attributes, and tend to avoid attention, it has become increasingly difficult to find an accurate way of determine their origins. We know there are several types of Starseeds (each from different home-worlds) and there does appear to be connections as-to their involvement on the planet many years ago. I have explained some of this in previous posts. I have also made mention that some Starseeds are perceived as angelic while others (like my own kind) have been perceived as demonic. These are strictly religious opinions and have no relevance to our ways or culture. There are other kinds of Starseeds as well, including various cross-breeds; though I have never experienced more than three types myself.

Within these subcategories, not only can Starseeds by classified by species by they can be categorized by generation (as relative to their time on Earth). While fewer first-generation Starseeds may exist today, there are still some scattered throughout the current population. As opposed to popular belief, men and women in power do not need to be Starseeds and (in fact) many of them are not. We (especially my kind) have avoided using methods of control because we do not feel that it would be fair. However, this does not exclude the fact that some Starseeds may show inclined interested in political power.

While on the topic of classification, there are also other physical methods of determining the species. Certain attributed, like climate-preference and bodily circulation, have been shown to help determine species. I apologize that I am unable to release sensitive information about the physiology of these particular races but I (being one myself) am under certain codes of conduct. One must understand that politics plays an important role in establishing stable relations with other species. I am not willing to sacrifice these stabilities for the sake of public inquiry. Contact me (in private) if you would like to discuss my own personal physiological differences.

I’m looking forward to going into further detail on this subject. However, seeing as I need to be awake early tomorrow, I will have to save that post for another time. I’m also looking forward to working with the New Age Generation from Blogspot (and Google Groups) along with extending some of these posts for the Indigo Society. Thanks to our parent organization, we have been able to reach out to more people over the past couple weeks. If you have any comments and/or concerns, please contact me.